Latest News from the SEOmonitor team
Product update

Introducing Content Writer

Anastasiia avatar
Shared by Anastasiia • September 04, 2024

We're introducing Content Writer: our AI-powered feature that finds high-traffic opportunities, creates data-driven briefs, and generates high-quality, brand-aligned articles in minutes.

Discover Untapped Opportunities

  • Automatically scan your tracked keywords' landing pages.
  • Identify informational keywords where you could rank higher.
  • Get traffic forecasts for each topic.

Create SEO-Optimized Outlines and Briefs in Minutes

  • Analyze top-ranking articles for your target keywords.
  • Get automatic internal linking suggestions based on your keyword strategy.
  • Analyze and score topic distribution for maximum SEO impact.

Generate High-Quality, Unique Articles Effortlessly

  • Create engaging, brand-aligned content with our AI.
  • Ensure well-researched, naturally sounding articles.

Boost Rankings in Any Competitive Environment with Three Writing Styles:

  • Authority Enhancer: Create high-performing articles tailored to boost rankings for websites already doing well on the topic.
  • Comprehensive Guide: Generate in-depth articles to establish authority, aiming to be the definitive resource on topics where you're building your expertise.
  • Fresh Perspective: Create unique articles with new insights from a different market to stand out in search results.

Reduce costs, maintain quality, and increase output with an all-in-one agency platform. Start a Content Writer trial in-app.

Product update

Our take on Search intent.

Anastasiia avatar
Shared by Anastasiia • July 09, 2024

Starting today, you have access to our unique take on search intent. By using AI to analyze each of the top ten landing pages ranking in the SERP, our intent feature is more accurate, nuanced and actionable than a simple blanket intent for the entire keyword.

  • Accurate: We parse and analyze the content of each page in the SERP to provide you a comprehensive understanding of the intent they serve.
  • Nuanced: Discover the percentage breakdown of the search intent served by each of the top ten landing pages.
  • Actionable: Spot discrepancies between your page type and the top-ranking pages, then update content to improve rankings.

With Keyword Intent, you can:

  • Understand which type of page best ranks for each keyword and plan your content accordingly.
  • Map your keyword strategy to the customer journey and align your conversion goals.
  • Connect Google Analytics conversion data to identify low-conversion commercial or transactional keywords.

Track intent at the group level

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Gain insights at the group level with intent breakdowns by keyword count and search volume percentages.

View keyword-level intent breakdown

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View the search intent breakdown at the keyword level in the Overview (Keyword sidebar). See the percentages of each intent type for specific keywords, based on top search results content.

Review intent for each SERP landing page

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Spot discrepancies between your page type and the top-ranking pages

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Use the new Content Audit feature to detect and fix keyword intent mismatches, improving your rankings.

Product update

Introducing AIO detection and tracking!

Alen avatar
Shared by Alen • June 05, 2024

Starting today, you have access to the most in-depth "AI Overview" tracking available: track website and brand mentions, access daily snapshots, and run custom analyses with raw data access.

Assess the Impact of AIO on Your Campaigns

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Identify how many keywords trigger AIO snippets and see if your site is listed.

Track Brand Mentions

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Detect if your brand is mentioned in the AI Overview using your already set-up brand keywords.

Iterate Quickly, Find What Drives AIO Mentions

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Track AIO presence over time with SERP Feature History. Be the first to find which SEO activities lead to website or brand mentions in the overview.

Track AIO Visibility

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Explore how AIO affects your visibility with a new metric: AI Overview Visibility. Blend it with session or visibility data to see the impact on your campaigns.

Track Trends with Competitor Analysis

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Identify competitors' SEO visibility changes and the influence of AIO on their gains or losses.

Get Daily Snapshots of “AI Overview”

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Get daily snapshots of the "AI Overview" SERP feature for mobile and desktop. Track its layout and content as it evolves and changes daily.

Filter AIO Keywords Quickly

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For easy access, you'll find an "AI Overview" folder that shows keywords triggering this SERP feature. Additionally, you can build more sophisticated groups using the available filtering mechanism.

Access Raw Data through API

Run large-scale reports with raw data access. Give your clients confidence that you understand their changing landscape, how it will affect their visibility and how to leverage AIO for maximum gains.

Product update

What's new with API 3.0?

Megha avatar
Shared by Megha • February 01, 2024

Hey there,

API 3.0 is now live! 🙌.

The new API endpoints cover more ground, and are better organized and documented, making the data access cleaner, and the report generation easier and quicker.

To ensure the continued success of your campaign, you might want to collate, group and/or analyze the data differently to identify any new correlations and make new connections. You might also need to build customized reports for your clients quickly.

API 3.0 is here to address these needs.

What is API 3.0?

A new version of our API that facilitates reliable access to all key data points and metrics that are available on the platform so that you can retrieve, analyze, visualize, and report them quickly and efficiently.

What's new with API 3.0?

This new version is fully remodeled based on our enhanced platform and has well-organized endpoints, improved data coverage, and comprehensive documentation that elevates the ease of use. The endpoints are now organized according to the modules, so you can find what you need as easily as you do on the platform.

We have added over 10 new endpoints and redesigned the existing ones to include all the keyword-, group-, and campaign-level data you may need. Check out these enhanced endpoints from Rank Tracker, this new endpoint from Forecast, and this one from Research.

What about the older version?

If you're using the older version of our API (v 1.2), find its documentation here. You can choose to continue using it alongside API 3.0, or fully move to 3.0 as per your needs. API 1.2 will still be functional, but it won't undergo maintenance or enhancements anymore.

Refer to this quick start guide if you need to, and try the API now.

Product update

AI Summary: A SWOT analysis of your forecast, in minutes!

Megha avatar
Shared by Megha • January 26, 2024

Hey there,

We are excited to announce the launch of AI Summary for Forecast 🎉.

Analyzing the results of a Forecast is more than just looking at a compelling number of additional traffic and revenue. Among other things, it involves comparing the goal to previous rank trends, checking if it is practical and pitch-worthy, and measuring the growth with relevant metrics from a realistic baseline.

Looking at several aspects at once can be overwhelming, and the AI Summary eases this analysis.

What is AI Summary?

A feature, available only on draft campaigns, that quickly analyzes the forecast, surfacing key insights and risks.

What can it do for you?

It summarizes the results, provides key insights on the supportive and possibly detrimental factors to reaching the set target, and surfaces any potential risks (just like a SWOT analysis that brings out Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).

For instance, it provides notable insights on keyword coverage, varying search trends, competitive landscape, seasonality, and improvement potential. It also surfaces any potential risks, such as a small share of keywords being responsible for a large share of forecasted sessions, and dependencies on technical and off-page SEO. This accelerates your preparation for the pitch, by proactively answering some of the potential questions your clients/stakeholders may have.

With AI Summary, immediately grasp the key factors that can lead to your campaign's success or pose a risk, so you can analyze them, strengthen your pitch, and manage them.

Explore AI Summary on a forecast scenario of any of your draft campaigns now!

Product update

What's new in Rank Tracker

Megha avatar
Shared by Megha • November 24, 2023

You asked, and we brought the automatic keywords from the campaign creation wizard into the Rank Tracker (and two more updates).

Here's a quick summary of our recent updates to Rank Tracker.

Automatic keywords now available in the Rank Tracker

In the campaign creation wizard, we automatically find the best keywords for your campaign, in terms of their relevance to your business and the additional traffic they could bring. We brought this feature into our Rank Tracker so you don't lose out on easily available high-quality keywords after going through the wizard. We source these keywords in order, from our keyword database and our AI-powered keyword research tool. The feature is now available to you at any time from the Add Keywords sidebar.

See the contents of the Questions SERP feature

Also known as "People Also Ask", you can now see the questions that appeared in the SERP feature without having to download the SERP. In the keyword sidebar, under the Overview tab, you can see the questions that appeared in the latest Questions SERP feature (marked in blue if your website was present). This is only available for tracked campaigns.

Automatic detection of keywords to upload from your CSV

You don't have to prepare your file in a specific format to upload your keywords through CSV anymore. As long as there is a column called 'keywords' in the CSV, we process it with OpenAI and detect the groups that they should be imported into. With this update, create campaigns with your own keywords smoothly, and save time on formatting.

Product update

What's new in Content Audit

Raluca avatar
Shared by Raluca • October 31, 2023

SEOmonitor's Content Audit

Our Content Audit module is a comprehensive dashboard that surfaces opportunities to improve the content of the ranking pages for your keywords.

It proactively crawls landing pages and identifies a range of optimization opportunities, such as pages with missing or suboptimal titles or H1s, cannibalization issues, or keywords with missing pages.

Content Audit also captures the key content changes that had an impact on Visibility, to help you scale good practices and guide your content iterations.

Let's see the latest updates we made to improve your experience with Content Audit.

Full access to Content Audit for Draft Campaigns

For Draft Campaigns, the Content Audit module used to be limited to surfacing only the categories of content opportunities and the keywords or landing pages that trigger them, but our users couldn't access the valuable data that justifies the opportunities, in the Opportunity sidebar.

With this update, we remove this access restriction, so you can view all the opportunity data you need to make decisions on how to improve your content.

This level of granularity unlocks key metrics that now allow you to analyze and prioritize your content opportunities at the keyword level, such as search data, ranking data, and the percentage of clicks on organic results. All of them are further processed by the Opportunity metric, which helps you focus on the content improvements with the highest potential of improving your website's Visibility.

Filter content opportunities by Keyword Groups

We've also added the option to filter Content Audit results by specific Keyword Groups, enabling you to focus your content analysis on specific sets of keywords based on priority.

You can access the filter both on the main Content Audit page and within each Optimization Category page for more flexibility.

Filtering by Groups enables more targeted analysis like:

  • Validating optimization progress for high-priority keywords
  • Comparing issues between different areas of focus
  • Identifying gaps and opportunities for specific keywords
  • Reviewing category-level problems for important groups
  • Customizing reports by focusing on relevant groups

With this granular filtering, you can drill down on the Content Audit data most relevant to your goals.

Check out these improvements and let us know of any other ways we can help you make the most out of your Content Audit data! ➝ Try now

Product update

Best and worst-case Rank Targets in the Forecast

Raluca avatar
Shared by Raluca • October 10, 2023

What's New?

With the new feature recently added to the Forecast, you can now set a target rank range for keyword groups when setting up your scenarios. This allows you to create more flexible projections and analyze a range of possible outcomes, instead of tracking a fixed target.

The forecast estimations now contain ranges of values, so that you and your clients can calibrate your expectations of the SEO campaign results to fall within those ranges, rather than aim for either the most ambitious or the most conservative scenarios.

Product Update Highlights

Forecasting with a Target Rank Range

In the first step of the Forecast Wizard, we have introduced a new option called "Target Rank Range".

When enabled, a second column is added to the "Target Rank" section, allowing you to select two target ranks for each keyword group in your scenario—a higher target and a lower target.

By enabling this option, the preview estimations for Additional Sessions and Additional Conversions throughout the setup will be calculated as a range, based on the two target ranks. This enables you to visualize the potential outcomes more accurately.

Analyzing the Range of Forecast Results

Once your scenario is saved, the forecasted results are displayed in ranges. Each result metric, including Additional Traffic (Sessions, Conversions, Revenue), Total Traffic, and the Ads Equivalent, is presented as a range between the least and the most you can expect.

The Monthly Forecast chart also showcases two sets of visual representations, one for each target, for all traffic metrics such as Sessions, Conversions, Revenue, and Visibility & Average Rank.

The Scenario sidebar now reflects that the goal is set between two targets, displaying the corresponding ranges for Target Rank and Target Visibility. This allows you to grasp the potential variations in your forecasted outcomes.

Tracking the Targets with Objectives

When you decide to start tracking the campaign and set your forecast scenario as a Campaign Objective, the target ranges get reflected in the Detailed tab. This enables you to track your progress against both the best-case and worst-case scenarios at a keyword level. You can easily visualize where you stand between these two extremes.

For each keyword in the objective, you can view the monthly estimated target rank range values, in the keyword target popup chart. This helps you see where to focus and prioritize your efforts on the keywords that are outside the estimated rank range.

Check out this new feature in your own Forecast scenarios ➡️ Try now!

Product update

Get Content Optimization Opportunities and their Impact in Your Forecast

Raluca avatar
Shared by Raluca • July 26, 2023

We have recently integrated the Content Audit tool into the Forecast, enabling you to quickly identify what to focus on in order to achieve your target objectives.

This integration allows you to discover content optimization opportunities and their potential impact. By crawling the ranking pages of the keywords in your campaign, the Content Audit surfaces:

  • Pages serving too many keywords
  • Keywords missing pages
  • Suboptimal keyword inclusion in content
  • Missing or suboptimal titles and H1 tags
  • Cannibalization issues (for daily tracked campaigns)

For each content optimization category—and the keywords covered within—you can see the number of impacted keywords, the percentage of searches leading to organic results out of total search volume for those keywords, the total Search Volume and Year-over-Year Trend, current Visibility of your website for those keywords, and the average Opportunities score. This provides an efficient way to understand the impact of your optimization actions.

The Forecast includes a summary of these insights for each scenario you create. By clicking on it, you get the lost of content issues in the Content Audit, based on all keywords included in the scenario.

Content Audit is also available for draft campaigns (part of the Build plan), displaying a one-day content snapshot of the ranking landing pages of added keywords. The full list of issues under each category and the Key changes correlated with Visibility trend in the last 30 days (top widgets are available for daily tracked campaigns.

Check your content optimization opportunities too!

Product update

Organic Traffic in Draft Campaigns

Raluca avatar
Shared by Raluca • July 18, 2023

The Organic Traffic module is also available for the SEOmonitor Build plan. This provides you with a snapshot of the organic traffic data from the last 30 days.

The feature is available if you have connected your campaigns to Google Analytics and Google. The connections provide the sessions, conversions, and goals the organic traffic for your campaign keywords and help you deliver more precise and reliable forecast projections.

With traffic data, the Forecast calculates Inertial Traffic, which puts the estimated Additional Traffic into perspective—as it can predict how much value the SEO campaign can bring to the business.

Access to the Organic Traffic module also unlocks uncovering other valuable keywords—which aren’t currently tracked in the Keywords module (the on-demand Rank Tracker)—thus supporting your keyword research process.

We've also streamlined the process of connecting to Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Build accounts can now connect Google Analytics & Google Search Console at a later time - and not only during the campaign setup - from the Campaign Settings.

Additionally, all account types can now link to their GA4, in addition to Google Analytics, directly during the campaign setup via the “Connect Google Analytics” step.

If you are on the Build plan and haven’t already connected GA & GSC, go to your campaign settings to get organic traffic data and enhanced forecasts.