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AI Summary: A SWOT analysis of your forecast, in minutes!

Megha avatar
Shared by Megha • January 26, 2024

Hey there,

We are excited to announce the launch of AI Summary for Forecast 🎉.

Analyzing the results of a Forecast is more than just looking at a compelling number of additional traffic and revenue. Among other things, it involves comparing the goal to previous rank trends, checking if it is practical and pitch-worthy, and measuring the growth with relevant metrics from a realistic baseline.

Looking at several aspects at once can be overwhelming, and the AI Summary eases this analysis.

What is AI Summary?

A feature, available only on draft campaigns, that quickly analyzes the forecast, surfacing key insights and risks.

What can it do for you?

It summarizes the results, provides key insights on the supportive and possibly detrimental factors to reaching the set target, and surfaces any potential risks (just like a SWOT analysis that brings out Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).

For instance, it provides notable insights on keyword coverage, varying search trends, competitive landscape, seasonality, and improvement potential. It also surfaces any potential risks, such as a small share of keywords being responsible for a large share of forecasted sessions, and dependencies on technical and off-page SEO. This accelerates your preparation for the pitch, by proactively answering some of the potential questions your clients/stakeholders may have.

With AI Summary, immediately grasp the key factors that can lead to your campaign's success or pose a risk, so you can analyze them, strengthen your pitch, and manage them.

Explore AI Summary on a forecast scenario of any of your draft campaigns now!